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DNA Removal Add-on

DNA Removal Add-on

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Residual DNA should be removed from RNA samples before entering next generation sequencing experiments. Degraded RNA samples are very likely to contain fragmented pieces of DNA which can be co-isolated with RNA. In addition, FFPE samples are likely to be contaminated with residual genomic DNA. Most FFPE RNA ex­traction kits contain a DNase I treatment, however, this may not be complete, depending on the amount of DNA that was co-purified.

Lexogen’s DNA Removal Add-on can be seamlessly integrated upstream of RiboCop HMR V2 rRNA depletion. DNA can be removed in 15 minutes without the need to purify samples between DNA removal and rRNA depletion. Total FFPE RNA from 5 ng – 1 μg can be used as input for DNA removal.


The DNA Removal Add-on can also be used upstream of library preps without rRNA depletion, e.g., QuantSeq FFPE library preparation or other vendor library preps. In this case, it is mandatory to include a purification step before proceeding with library preparation.

Kit Size:

The DNA Removal Add-on is available with 24 or 96 reactions.

Recommended! RiboCop rRNA Depletion for Human/Mouse/Rat V2

Product Items

Catalog Nr.Product Name
235.24DNA removal Add-on, 24 rxns
235.96DNA removal Add-on, 96 rxns



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