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Whole Transcriptome Sequencing

We empower your research: explore all of your RNAs!

Whole Transcriptome Sequencing

Lexogen’s NGS Whole Transcriptome Sequencing Service is perfect if you are interested in getting insight into ALL transcripts present in your samples, both coding and noncoding, including lncRNA, snRNA, snoRNA, circRNA, etc. We utilize our proprietary technology to enable insight into all of the RNAs in your sample.

We offer both Whole Transcriptome mRNA Sequencing Service and Whole Transcriptome Total RNA Sequencing Service.

Our Whole Transcriptome Sequencing offer

Whole Transcriptome mRNA-Seq

If you would like to look at gene expression only, we recommend our Gene Expression Sequencing Service. However, if you want to get the deepest insight into mature, polyadenylated RNAs and identify isoforms and alternative splicing, among other things, the Whole Transcriptome mRNA Sequencing Service is a perfect choice.

Our Whole Transcriptome mRNA Sequencing workflow includes a poly(A) selection step.



Whole Transcriptome Total RNA-Seq

The total RNA-Seq approach offers the most comprehensive analysis of the transcriptome. It is an ideal choice if you deal with RNA degradation, e.g., after FFPE fixation and laser microdissections. We know how precious these samples are and how challenging obtaining transcriptome profiles from them may be. This is why our RNA experts have developed workflows allowing us to process, prepare, and analyze these challenging samples, including a step of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) depletion, to allow more sequencing reads to be focused on desired transcripts, especially if you are interested in lowly abundant transcripts.




Working with us

We offer different NGS Services packages. You can send us samples from which we will extract RNA (Start from Extraction) or purified RNA (Start from Library Prep). It is also possible to do “Sequencing only” projects of your prepared and pooled libraries, all library types are expected. Each service package can be further customized based on your sample type and requirements. Data Analysis is offered for each of our NGS services packages or as a service on its own (Lexogen Bioinformatics Services). We are also specialized in Custom Bioinformatics Solutions, e.g., for new pipeline developments.
  • Together we will identify the best experimental design for your project.
  • Shipment support (such as help with customs and export documents), or organizing the shipment under certain conditions.
Sample Extraction
  • RNA extraction from tissues, cells, and biofluids.
  • Challenging samples such as FFPE curls, microdissections, plant tissues and similar.
  • Sample QC included.
Library Preparation
  • Various library preparation solutions, depending on and adapted to your specific experimental objectives.
  • Library QC included.
  • Read mode and read depth most suitable for your application.
Data Analysis and Report
  • Data quality control.
  • Data analysis in-house.
  • Standard data analysis options, on-demand, custom-design data analyses, and custom pipeline development.


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