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Webinar: Integration of 3’ mRNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq Datasets to Disentangle Redundant Epigenetic Regulatory Mechanisms

Webinar: Integration of 3’ mRNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq Datasets to Disentangle Redundant Epigenetic Regulatory Mechanisms

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Epigenetic regulators are constituted by a great diversity of subunits, which are often redundant to varying extents. Novel experimental strategies including genome editing and small molecule-inducible systems allow for systematic dissection of multi-subunit complexes. While these approaches are ideal to assess the transcriptional consequences of combinatorial genetic perturbations to epigenetic pathways, the sequencing costs associated with gene expression analysis by RNA-seq quickly escalate as a function of sample number.

Lexogen QuantSeq facilitates increased multiplexing capacity without ramping up the sequencing costs by focusing on the 3’ ends of mRNAs. Such gene expression profiling approaches require only about 10 percent of sequencing depth compared to standard RNA-seq methods.

In this webinar, Jorge Zepeda will discuss a study conducted at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA-Vienna, Austria) that used small molecule-inducible genetic perturbations in combination with transcriptional profiling by QuantSeq and chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) analysis to unravel the differential subunit requirements of polycomb repressive complexes 1 (PRC1) and 2 (PRC2), in maintaining robust silencing of lineage-specific genes and self-renewal capacity in mouse embryonic stem cells.

The second speaker, Jean Lozach, will demonstrate the capabilities of the OnRamp Bioinformatics discovery platform ROSALIND™ to analyze and integrate multi-omics datasets like the QuantSeq and ChIP-seq used in this study, and will also show a new option for efficient collaboration between researchers.

Speaker’s biography


Jorge Zepeda, PhD
Application Scientist

Jorge Zepeda is an Application Scientist at Lexogen with a background in genomic sciences, bioinformatics, and epigenetics. Prior to joining Lexogen, he carried out his doctoral studies at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA-Vienna, Austria) in the lab of Dr. Oliver Bell, where he was a co-author of the study he will discuss in this webinar. His research at IMBA focused on coupling gene editing and chemically induced protein degradation systems to high-throughput transcriptional and chromatin profiling technologies to dissect epigenetic regulatory mechanisms in murine embryonic stem cells.


Jean Lozach
Chief Science Officer
OnRamp Bio

Jean Lozach has 25 years of experience in the life science and technology sectors across a broad range of technical and commercial functions. Since 2017, Jean has been the Chief Science Officer at OnRamp Bio where he focuses on developing ROSALIND™, a platform that circumvents the data analysis bottlenecks which often stand between experiments and biological insights and enables scientists to reinvent the discovery experience. Before joining Onramp Bio, Jean spent over a decade at Illumina where he and his team provided support for internal R&D, reagent production, and enterprise informatics applications. Previous to Illumina, Jean was a member of the Christopher Glass lab at the University of California, San Diego, providing bioinformatics support to researchers studying transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms.

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