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Lexogen’s 15th anniversary short film competition

The competition is closed for applications. The winners have been informed per email about their prizes on the 03.11.2022. Warmest congratulations to the winners and stay tuned for our upcoming cool competitions!

Lexogen is organizing a short film competition in honor of our 15th Anniversary. This competition provides an opportunity for everyone to get creative. The competition is free and open to anyone from 12-year-old, from any country. Lexogen employees and customers are welcome to participate.

The genre of the movie is free (Science-fiction, drama, comedy, experimental, animation…).  The theme is 15 YEARS. You can interpret the theme as you wish. Be Creative! All filming supports are authorized (camera, mobile phone camera, drone, go pro, etc.). The goal is to mention at least once Lexogen in the film (dialog / logo / text…) – excluding the mention in the opening and closing credits of the film!


15 years
Be creative with the theme, it’s not limited to Lexogen’s anniversary.

Short film duration

2 minutes maximum (all included).


The file size needs up to 2GB in mp4 format – needs to be sent via Wetransfer or Dropbox link.


Mention at least once Lexogen in the film (via dialog / logo / text…) – excluding the mention in the opening and closing credits of the film! The movie mustn’t be necessarily related to Lexogen or our domain of activity. All ideas are welcome around the Theme.


The dialogs (if any) can be in English or in every local language subtitled in English.

The films will be judged mainly on their script, originality, staging, acting, and respect for the theme and the imperative. Regarding the music you use in your film, we ask that you own the musical rights, or that the music chosen is free of rights.

Winner and runner-up awarded

  • 2,000 Euros to 1st prize winner
  • 1,000 Euros to 2nd prize winner
  • 3rd prize: 600 Euros
  • Special prize for realization and sound: 400 Euros
  • Special prize for the scenario: 250 Euros
  • Special prize for interpretation: 250 Euros
  • Social media promotion and circulation for all of the winners

Deadline for submission

August 31st, 2022, 23h 59 GMT.
UPDATE! The deadline for the film competition submissions has been prolonged till 13th of October, 2022.

 About Lexogen

Lexogen is a next generation sequencing and transcriptomics company. As the RNA experts we focus on empowering scientists with innovative top quality RNA analysis solutions and support, in order to improve health and well-being for everyone on the planet.

The product portfolio of Lexogen includes innovative kits for single-cell as well as bulk RNA-Seq, RNA purification and ribosomal RNA depletion, spike-in RNA variant controls, and metabolic RNA labeling.

Lexogen also provides top-class fully integrated RNA-Seq service-workflows including sample preparation, multiplexed sequencing, data analysis, and report generation.

The company headquarters is based in Vienna, Austria and the North American office is in Greenland, New Hampshire, USA. Lexogen is represented by multiple distributors around the world.

  1. Lexogen organizes a competition: “Lexogen 15th anniversary short film competition”
  2. This competition is open to everyone aged 12 or more. Lexogen employees and customers are welcome to participate.
  3. To compete, participants must register on our landing page and send a short film lasting no more than 2 minutes (size not bigger then 2GB) via download link using WeTransfer platform or Dropbox.
    • The participants must send a short film that they will have realized themselves.
    • The theme, “15 years”, is imposed (to be interpreted freely!).
    • Participant must mention Lexogen at least once in the short film (excluding the opening and closing credits of the film!). It can be a logo, a text or in a sentence of a dialog.
    • Participants have complete freedom of choice as to the direct or indirect way of dealing with the imposed theme, subject to compliance with the laws and regulations in force and more generally with the provisions relating to public order and good morals.
    • Registration and participation in the competition are free.
    • Each participant may only send one and only one short film – Even directed by several people, each short film will be signed by only one person; the winners’ prize will be awarded to the signatory.
    • The means of filming remains free: Mobile phone, camera, camera, provided that the quality of the image is sufficient for projection on a large screen.
  1. Short films must be sent by internet only, accompanied by the registration form (non-selected films are not broadcast on the Internet). For selected films which will be screened and posted on the Lexogen Website, parental authorization will be required for the participation of minor directors and image rights for actors: Download the image rights form.
  2. The films must be sent via the festival website before the 31st of August 2022 (submission deadline).
    UPDATE! The deadline for the film competition submissions has been prolonged till 13th of October, 2022.
  3. The music must be free of rights and is the responsibility of each of the directors.
  4. The participants guarantee to Lexogen the full and peaceful enjoyment of the rights transferred so that Lexogen cannot be worried or sought for trouble, claim or eviction of any nature whatsoever.
  5. In the promotional context, subject to the moral rights of their authors, Lexogen reserves the right to display all or part of the courts films selected on its website and the sites of partners (Distributors) without the latter being able to claim any remuneration.
  6. The organization reserves the right to interrupt, cancel or postpone the competition if exceptional circumstances beyond its control so require and/or to ensure the security, fairness, integrity or smooth running of the competition. It cannot be held liable for this, and no compensation can be granted to participants.
  7. Registration for the “Lexogen 15th anniversary short film festival” competition implies acceptance of these rules. settlement with a bailiff is not compulsory.

Any dispute on the interpretation or application of these rules will be subject to the discretion of the organizers, without prejudice to any appeal to the court of the International Arbitral Centre of the Austrian Federal economic Chamber in Vienna (Vienna Rules) the only one authorized. (The organizers will endeavour to answer your questions. However, it may not be possible to reply to all messages.)

The competition is closed for applications. The winners have been informed per email about their prizes on the 03.11.2022. Warmest congratulations to the winners and stay tuned for our upcoming cool competitions!


The DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: August 31st, 2022, 23h 59 GMT.
UPDATE! The deadline for the film competition submissions has been prolonged till 13th of October, 2022.


Absolutely. Everyone worldwide is welcome to participate. The competition is free and open to anyone from 12-year-old, from any country.


If you have a problem uploading your file, please, contact us at


Any genre is accepted, including stories based on true events and experimental work. We’re looking primarily for great storytelling and diverse, fresh concepts.


Please register first via the form provided under tab “SUBMISSION”. After the registration we kindly ask you to upload your movie file via WeTransfer or Dropbox and Email to:

The competition is closed for applications. The winners have been informed per email about their prizes on the 03.11.2022. Warmest congratulations to the winners and stay tuned for our upcoming cool competitions!



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